
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
What If Your Ape Could Rap? ft. Ryan Broderick
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
This week, we finally have to address the big ape with laser eyes smoking weed in the room and is worth over £5 million for some reason. Yes, we are talking about NFTs, the crypto economy, and what's driving this accelerated faith that bored apes and lazy lions are apparently going to rescue capitalism from itself. We're joined by Ryan Broderick (@Broderick) from The Content Mines and the Garbage Day Newsletter, to talk about why Mike Shinoda, the rapper from Linkin Park, seems to think they're the future. Then we talk about a recent-ish essay from Hamilton Nolan about what happens if or when the crypto economy fails. Nolan believes that the most likely outcome is probably reactionary fascism, but is this hyperbole? Or, could something worse actually happen instead? It's like a fun game to figure out what the dumbest way we could all die could be.
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You can read Hamilton Nolan's Essay here: https://inthesetimes.com/article/the-ticking-bomb-of-crypto-fascism
Subscribe to Ryan's Newsletter at : www.garbageday.email
![[PREVIEW] HK’s Anime Club : Serial Experiments Lain 07-08](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8819543/10kwithbg_300x300.png)
Friday Jan 14, 2022
[PREVIEW] HK’s Anime Club : Serial Experiments Lain 07-08
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
This is a preview of a full episode. To listen to the whole thing, subscribe to our patreon at : www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast.
The gang is back to finish this goddamn series about girls who love being on the computer. We talk about episode 7 and 8, in which, as Lain discovers more about herself and her relationship to the Wired, the mysterious group of hackers known as the Knights are, for some reason, killing their fans for being a little bit too into them. Then, as Lain sort of gets to grips with the idea of a digital Lain, she now has to contend with a *third* version of Lain - another freak who keeps nosying around and spreading rumours about girls who don't have computers. Lain, stop it!

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
REBUILD OF 10K Posts: Wife Guys (Reloaded) ft. Miles Klee
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
In our first new episode of 2022, we're joined by 10k Posts LA correspondent and leading Wifethropologist Miles Klee (@milesklee), to check in on what's going on with wife guys. We go over some of the classics (curvy wife, cliff wife, cheese wife) and discuss some of the new developments in the Wifing world (Alarm clock wife, Coffee Shop pronouns wife). Crucially, Phoebe makes an incorrect prediction about the future of wife guys, and she will be issuing an Apple notes apology in due course.
Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@Hkesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_onEarth). For bonus content, subscribe to our patreon for $5 a month at : www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast.

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
*UNLOCKED* - The Facebook Papers ft. Shoshana Wodinsky
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
This episode was unlocked from our Patreon. If you'd like to subscribe to listen to more episodes, you can do so for as little as $5 a month at: www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast.
This week, we talk to Gizmodo reporter Shoshana Wodinsky (@swodinsky), who covers the business of data, and is one of the leads on Gizmodo's ambitious project to make the Facebook Papers public.
We talk about some of the revelations from the Papers that didn't make the headlines, how much of Facebook's problems are caused by negligence and its sheer scale, rather than being outright ghouls, and the value of open source information gathering when studying the platform technologies collectively. Shoshana also brings us an NFT related meme that neither of us initially understand, and end up descending into a deep conversation about the virtue of hot keys and warm change.
You can read Shoshana's work and keep up to date with the project here: https://gizmodo.com/author/swodinsky.
Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@HKesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_onEarth).

Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Poster’s Roundtable 2021 ft. Nish Kumar
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
We close out a year of Posts with friend of the show Nish Kumar, as we each bring a favourite post, tweet or column and explain why it bests defines this strange and absurd year. From right-wing talk show hosts who keep getting bested by sweet treats, to the emergence of the Woke Taliban (in a very literal sense), what were the themes of 2021's tweets? Why did things feel so strange in the latter half? And does it have something to do with Michael Owen walking through a tear in the Time-Space Continuum? All these questions and more, answered by your favourite Post Analysts.
![[PREVIEW] The War on Christmas ft. Jake Flores](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8819543/10kwithbg_300x300.png)
Friday Dec 24, 2021
[PREVIEW] The War on Christmas ft. Jake Flores
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
This is a preview of a bonus episode. Listen to the full episode at : www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast.
All of us got the novel coronavirus, so this week, Hussein hung out with Jake Flores (@feraljokes), comedian and host of Pod Damn America, to talk about Christmas posts, and the broader 'war on Christmas' which seems to come earlier and earlier every year. We talk the origins of the War on Christmas - first, in response to liberalism, then to anti-Muslim sentiment, and now, being framed as a war for western tradition - and how it manifests in weird posts, ranging from Starbucks' Red Cup drama, to British people losing their minds over a tv advertisement because they don't immediately know what gender an alien is.
Listen and follow Pod Damn America here: https://twitter.com/poddamnamerica
Keep up with Jake's 2022 comedy tour here: http://www.feraljokes.com/

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
10K Posts Film Club : Love Hard (2021) ft.Olga Koch
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
All of us have/had the novel coronavirus, and because it's Christmas, we decided to watch a low-energy Neflix film. This week, we're joined by friend of the show Olga Koch (@Rocknrolga) to watch LOVE HARD (2021) a movie in which Netflix confuses its algorithms to produce something that should have been made in 2013. With discourse around sexist christmas songs, 'is Die Hard a Christmas movie?' and not reading enough women authors, the movie focuses on two characters who, after catfishing each other, seemingly tag team to bully a very nice and well meaning guy called Tag, only to face absolutely zero consequences!
Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@HKesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_onEarth).
For weekly bonus episodes, listen at: www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast.
![[PREVIEW] HK‘S Anime Club: Serial Experiments Lain 06 ft. Liara Roux](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8819543/10kwithbg_300x300.png)
Friday Dec 17, 2021
[PREVIEW] HK‘S Anime Club: Serial Experiments Lain 06 ft. Liara Roux
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
This is a preview of a bonus episode. To listen to the whole thing, subscribe to our Patreon for as little as $5 a month at: www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast.
This week, we're joined by writer and artist Liara Roux (@Liararoux), the author of "WHORE OF NEW YORK: A CONFESSION" which is out now with Repeater Books. We talk a bit about the book, and its themes around love, collective activism, the dangers of surveillance tech, and what emancipation means today. We then talk about the 6th episode of SEL, "Kids". We see Lain learn more about the Wired, stand up to a big talking mouth, and meet a cryptic old guy who tells her that the original Wired was a big experiment on children that went wrong. Huh, maybe that's why he was on an Island that seemed so familiar.....
You can and should purchase Liara's book from Repeater, here: https://repeaterbooks.com/product/whore-of-new-york-a-confession/. You can check out Liara's work at : https://liararoux.com/
Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@Hkesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_onEarth).

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Yes Haha YES ft. Mattie Lubchansky
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
This week, we're joined by friends of the show Mattie (@Lubchansky), associate editor at The Nib, to talk about the history of webcomics, comic artists and writers having to think about being content creators before the rest of us did, and what happens when comic panels end up being cut out of the strip, decontextualised and turned into memes without attribution. How are comics writers dealing with the content economy, think about their place in it, and, crucially, what are they doing to resist its worst effects? We also talk about some of our favourite webcomics, and try to get to the bottom of why Ben Garrison draws Trump like that.
Read and purchase Matties work here: https://thenib.com/author/mattie-lubchansky/
Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@Hkesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_OnEarth). For bonus episodes, subscribe on Patreon at: www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast.
![[PREVIEW] Rebuild of 10kposts: ”Keep On Rowlin‘ Baby” ft. Sophie](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8819543/10kwithbg_300x300.png)
Friday Dec 10, 2021
[PREVIEW] Rebuild of 10kposts: ”Keep On Rowlin‘ Baby” ft. Sophie
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
This is a preview of a bonus episode. To listen to the full episode, listen on Patreon at : www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast.
This week we're rejoined by friend of the show Sophie (@sophie_frm_mars) to once again revisit an old episode of the show. We go back in our Tenet time machines to the lockdown days of 2020, and the first instances in which JK Rowling went full 'mask off' with the gender stuff. We talk about the weird politics of the Ickabog, the Death of the Author, JK Rowling's post-Harry Potter need to control every aspect of the franchise, and crucially, how she gave (some) of this up in order to keep on TERF posting. Finally, we ask - will JK Rowling go "full Glinner" ? Seems unlikely for now, but if 'gender critical' groups keep demanding more of her, it might not be so inconceivable....
Subscribe to Sophie's Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/SophiefromMars
Support Sophie's work here: https://t.co/Jg9OvNcxez
Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@HKesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_onEarth).